Searching for Sera Read online

Page 3

  I was almost out of the city limits and was excited to see my family and just relax. I looked at the lights of Clarksville and watched the traffic on the side streets. I watched as all the people went about their daily routines. It always amazed me how everyone was in such a hurry. I wondered if any of them paid attention to where they actually lived. How with just a ten minute drive, they could be out of the rat race and into God's country. I shook my head, realizing that I didn't want to share any of it with them.

  As I drove, I looked to my right. There was a liquor store on the other side of the fence, just off the freeway. I immediately noticed a white SUV with tinted windows. It was parked on the south side of the store. I got excited, which caused my heart to jump a little. The vehicle just stood out from the others.

  From my location, I couldn't see the plates. I had a hunch that it might be the vehicle Norma saw near her house. I had driven by this place for years and had never seen that SUV parked there before.

  I was about a half mile from the nearest exit. My excitement rose, as I accelerated and passed vehicles.

  "Come on!" I yelled out loud, as I was now stuck behind a semi-truck.

  “Let’s go damn it!” I continued, as I pounded on the steering wheel.

  My frustration was warranted, but with rush hour traffic there wasn't much I could do. After what seemed like an eternity, I made it to the exit. I got off the freeway and quickly hit the surface street. I drove fast, weaving through the traffic, as I headed to my destination. I arrived at the liquor store and pulled to the side of the building.

  "Damn it!" I yelled as I punched the roof of my car.

  The vehicle was gone, and I had no idea which way it went.

  I drove out of the parking lot and began searching nearby streets. I went by several motels and checked numerous parking lots. I searched for over a half hour, but couldn't find the SUV. I was frustrated and even worse, I wasn't sure if it was the right vehicle.

  The feeling of defeat came over me and I was pissed.

  I slowly made my way back to the liquor store. I parked near the spot where I last saw the SUV. I got out of my vehicle and looked around. I could hear the busy traffic on the freeway and I could smell the city. That unmistakable smell that all cities have. Garbage, fried foods, exhaust and urine, all rolled into one. It was overpowering and disgusting. Even after all of my time working in Clarksville, I could never get used to it.

  I noticed there was a security camera mounted high on the wall of the liquor store. The camera was pointed towards the parking lot. Looking at the angle of the lens, I thought there was a good chance it might cover the area I was in. I walked to the front of the store and noticed more cameras mounted near the entrance.

  I became hopeful and found a new sense of excitement. Maybe I could get a plate on the vehicle, I thought to myself. Better yet, maybe I could get a close-up image of the driver.

  I entered the store and waited for all of the customers to clear out.

  I identified myself to the clerk and asked about the surveillance cameras. The clerk said he could check the footage and see if any of it would help. Together we went to the office, located in the back of the store. The clerk got onto the computer and pulled up the footage from about thirty-five minutes ago.

  After a little searching, an image of a white SUV pulling into the parking lot appeared on the monitor. The SUV parked in a parking spot on the south side of the building. I studied the vehicle and assumed it was a Ford Explorer. From this angle, the plate was hard to make out, but it was definitely blue, which was consistent with a Michigan plate.

  I grew anxious as I waited for the driver to exit. After a few seconds, the driver's door opened, and a man stepped out. The image of the man was grainy, but I could see it was a white male adult. He was in his mid 40's, with a muscular build and dark hair. The man walked towards the front of the store, going out of the camera's view.

  The clerk quickly switched cameras to view the front of the store. The image showed the man approaching the door. The picture was clear, and I could see the man had shoulder-length dark hair, that was slicked straight back. His goatee was thick and dark. My heart beat increased, as I realized the man matched the description from Tori's incident.

  The video continued and the man entered the store.

  The clerk quickly switched the view to above the counter. The man went to a cooler near the back of the store. He grabbed a cold pack of beer and then wandered around. He eventually made his way up to the front counter, where he said something to the clerk. The clerk turned around and grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the rack. He placed the cigarettes on the counter. The man looked around at his surroundings, glancing up at the camera several times. He paid the clerk and then left the store. He walked back to his SUV, got inside and left the parking lot.

  I was extremely excited at this point. The quality of the footage was good, and you could clearly see the man's face.

  "Can I get a copy of the footage?" I asked the clerk.

  "Sure, no problem," he replied.

  I ran back to my car and got my thumb drive. I quickly returned and gave it to the clerk. I waited while he downloaded the video.

  As I waited, I thought about the man in the video. He looked so familiar to me, but I couldn’t place him. I was sure I knew him, and searched my memory for the answer.

  When the clerk finished, he gave me my thumb drive. I thanked him for his time, and I returned to my car.

  I sat in my car, still puzzled, trying to place the man. He seemed so familiar, perhaps a suspect from a past case. I felt his name on the tip of my tongue, but it held on and wouldn't let go. I searched my memory deeper, but evidently it was full of clutter and roadblocks. After my frustration got the best of me, I started my car and drove back to my office.

  In my office, I watched the video over and over again. I paused it multiple times and took several screenshots of the man's face. I asked several of the officers at the station if they recognized the man. All of them studied the image, but none of them knew who he was.

  I put together a bulletin containing the photos of the man and the Ford Explorer. I labeled the bulletin Attempt to Identify and emailed it to all the officers.

  I was optimistic that the man and the vehicle would be located. All of the patrol officers were very proactive. They loved finding people that the detectives were looking for. It was almost like a game to them. If an officer found a wanted subject, he or she was the winner. The prize usually consisted of a gift certificate to their favorite coffee shop or restaurant. During my career, I was involved with several of these games. Remembering how fun they were made me smile.

  After putting out the bulletin, I knew there wasn’t much else I could do. I gathered my belongings and headed home for the night.


  I made it home a little after 10:00 p.m. I was used to long days and so was Allie. When I got inside, Allie was in the living room watching TV and cuddling with the dog. She got up, gave me a hug and a kiss and then went to the kitchen. I put my things away and then sat down at the kitchen table.

  While Allie fixed me a plate of food, I told her about my day. I intently watched her, as she moved around the kitchen. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her long, dark, silky hair, flowed over her shoulders and cascaded down her back. Her skin was a beautiful bronze, soft and flawless.

  Allie walked to the table and handed me my dinner and some silverware. I looked at her amazing green eyes and her sexy figure. I smiled uncontrollably. Using one of her fingers, she tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, exposing her face more clearly. The light was beaming off her making her complexion glow. I was in awe of her beauty, as I wondered what she was doing with me.

  “What is that look for?” she asked, her tone curious in nature.

  “No reason, I'm just madly in love with you,” I said, in a bashful manner.

  Allie blushed and broke eye contact, as she sat down.r />
  She sat with me while I ate, and we enjoyed each other's company.

  “Gracie has a soccer game on Friday, but it's in Hamilton,” Allie said.

  “Shit, I have a prelim scheduled for Friday morning. I’m not sure if I will be done early enough to make it there in time. Are you going to be able to go to it?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m going to try to see if I can get someone to cover my shift. I really want to go.”

  “If I get done with court early enough, I would love to go with you,”

  “We could go to that amazing sushi place, the one we ate at the last time we were there.”

  Allie's face was full of excitement, as her eyes lit up.

  “Sounds like a date to me,” I replied, giving her a wink.

  Allie and I loved sushi. One of our first dates was to the Umami Sushi Bar in Hamilton. Unfortunately, Clarksville didn’t have any great sushi joints. Some were good, but not great. Don’t get me wrong, we ate at the sushi places here, but they weren’t as good as some of the other places we had been to.

  After dinner, we watched television for a little while. I didn't like TV much, but Allie loved her sitcoms. I didn't mind though. I would take any time with her that I could get. If that meant sitting through some lousy TV shows, then so be it.

  I sat next to her warm body and enjoyed listening to her laugh. She had the most adorable laugh. It was one that would start out as a slight chuckle and would gain in volume as it went on. It never got too loud, though at times she would gasp for air. It had a perfect cadence to it and was very contagious.

  It was almost midnight by the time we made it to bed. I was exhausted and knew tomorrow was going to be a busy day. I turned on some mellow piano music, which always relaxed me. I adjusted the volume to where it was just loud enough to hear. I listened as the keystrokes floated in the air, landing gently on my ears. I adjusted my pillow and curled the sheets around my toes.

  I rolled towards Allie until my body was touching her's. Her cold feet found my legs, causing me to jolt a little. She apologized and then took my arm, wrapping it around her. I held Allie in my arms and inhaled the intoxicating aroma of her hair. The smell was sweet, like fresh coconut and vanilla. Absolutely delightful.

  Allie kissed the back of my hand and let out a delicate moan. She tucked my hand under her firm breast and pulled me tightly against her. I laid there listening to Allie breath. I could feel her body move, as she inhaled and exhaled. After a few minutes, I could hear her breathing getting heavy, until she finally fell asleep. I laid there listening to her soft little snores, happy that she was resting.

  Allie had a hard job working in the ER of a local hospital. To top it off, her sleep schedule was chaotic. She worked the night shift, 12 hours to be exact. She would usually sleep during the days, but on her days off she would sleep at night. It didn't always work for her, but she managed it somehow. It didn't happen a lot, but when I got to lay in bed with her, it was beyond comforting.

  It was about 2:00 a.m. and I had tossed and turned to the point of madness. My body was exhausted, but my mind was still wide awake. I couldn't relax or think straight. All I could do was think about the man in the video. I was sure I had dealt with him in the past, but I couldn’t remember where. It was now a battle to prove to myself that I was right. A challenge to remember his name before someone else told me the answer.

  After laying there sleepless for another hour, I got up.

  I made my way down the stairs and headed to the back deck. Once outside, I felt the cool breeze of fall tickle the back of my neck. I lit a cigarette and took a long soothing drag.

  I listened to the silence of the country, as it surrounded me. I heard the leaves rustling as the breeze passed through them. I listened to the occasional cricket chirp, as I stared up at the stars. The small footsteps of the animals echoed, as they wandered around in their pens.

  With my elbows perched against the deck railing, I hung my head in disappointment. I was tired and really wanted to sleep.

  Unfortunately, my mind was getting the best of me. These kinds of nights were so frustrating. They didn’t happen as often as they use to, but being anxious like this was hell.

  I looked up at the stars and took another drag of my cigarette.

  There were so many past cases buried in my mind. Trying to sort through them all would take a lifetime. I was discouraged and wasn’t sure I would ever be able to remember the man’s name.

  Over the years I had experienced so much evil. The kind of evil that disguised itself in the human form. I had dealt with suspects ranging from petty thieves to murderers. Some of them sicker than you could ever imagine. Several of my most heinous cases still haunted me daily. I knew the man was in there somewhere. He had to be. I just knew it.

  I closed my eyes and relaxed as best I could. In my mind, I replayed the video of the man. I concentrated on his face and blocked everything else out.

  Without warning my heart started to drum, and a hot flash ran over me. I suddenly dropped my cigarette, as a chill shot up my spine. The cigarette hit the surface of the deck, a splash of sparks showered over the boards.

  “David Alan Cook,” I whispered, as I sank into a patio chair.

  I felt overwhelmed and exhausted at the same time. I hadn’t heard that name in years. It was a name that haunted me. Cook was a sociopathic demon, that I thought I would never have to deal with again.

  He is supposed to be in prison, I thought to myself. I felt confused, still not able to fully comprehend. Maybe I was wrong? Perhaps it wasn’t Cook? But if it was, how the hell did he get out already? I was almost certain it was him, but I had to be sure.

  Since there wasn’t any chance of me sleeping, I went inside and made some coffee. After a couple of cups, I got ready for the day.


  On the drive to the station, I constantly thought about Cook. I hadn’t thought about him for several years and for good reason. The mere mention of his name took me to a dark place, one that lingered in the back of my mind. It was a place that I tried to keep hidden from myself. A place I didn't like to go. One I never wanted anyone else to ever see.

  Even though it happened over eighteen years ago, my memory of the incident was sharp and clear. As I thought about it, a sense of nervousness came over me. Vivid visions flooded my mind, as if I was reliving the event.

  I was a much younger officer at that time; 22 years old to be exact. I was finally not a rookie anymore, with just over a year on the department. I was working day shift, assigned to patrol. A priority call came over the radio, and I was dispatched to it.

  Dispatch said a teenage girl had just been abducted near a local high school. Details were that a blue minivan had pulled up to a group of girls as they were walking on the sidewalk. A man opened the van door, pulled one of the girls inside and then sped off.

  I was near the area when I got the call. I arrived on the scene and frantically searched for the van. I knew the high school was close to the freeway and I assumed the van would be heading there.

  I sped towards the freeway on-ramps as fast as I could. In the distance, I could see the ramps leading both north and south. Suddenly, I saw a blue van turn onto the southbound ramp, ultimately going out of my sight. With my lights flashing and siren screaming, I made it to the on-ramp quickly.

  I got onto the freeway and began searching for the van. After a few seconds, I saw it up in the distance. It was traveling fast, about a half mile in front of me.

  I radioed the other units and gave them my location. I asked dispatch to notify the state troopers. I also requested a helicopter and a unit with spike strips.

  The adrenaline was surging through my veins, as I gained on the van. I looked at my speedometer, which was maxed out at 130 mph. Don’t you dare let them get away, I thought to myself, as I pursued.

  I was now only a couple of hundred yards behind it. The van was speeding and was trying to get away, but it was no match for the powerful engine in my crui

  I caught up to the van and could see a man driving it. The man looked desperate like he would do anything to get away. I had two other units with me, and there were several troopers on the upcoming on-ramp waiting to join in. I requested a trooper place a spike strip near the Parks River bridge, which was about a mile away.

  Once the spikes were in position, all of us involved in the chase backed off. The van went over the strips, and the trooper pulled them out of the way. Over the radio, the trooper announced that the spikes hit all four tires. I caught back up to the van and confirmed the tires were flat. He had nowhere to go, and there was no way in hell I was letting him get away.

  The van started shooting sparks everywhere, as the rims dug into the pavement. Our speeds had decreased drastically, and it wouldn't be long before this chase concluded.

  I unfastened my seatbelt and told the other units to get ready. After about thirty more seconds the van skidded to a stop. The driver jumped out and took off running across an open field.

  I let the other units give chase, as I checked the van for the girl.

  I carefully made my way up to the back of the van. I looked inside and only saw one person. It was a young female laying in the cargo area. I yelled at the female and asked her to show me her hands. She did, and I ordered her out of the vehicle.

  She slowly exited, opening the passenger sliding door. I saw it was a teenage girl and she was crying and shaking. She had a bloody lip, and the left side of her face was red and swollen.

  I asked her if she was ok, but she couldn’t speak, her emotions were out of her control. I told her to take a deep breath, and I tried to calm her down. After a little time, she was able to pull herself together enough to talk.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Ashley… Ashley Potter,” she answered, her lips quivering.

  “Do you know the man that was driving?”