Searching for Sera Read online

Page 5

  I made my way back to my car, trying to think of another way to get Cook. Without a positive ID, there wasn’t much I could do.

  I sat in my car and called Norma. I told her Tori didn’t identify anyone in the pictures, adding that I would continue to work on the case. She asked if I showed Tori a picture of the primary suspect. I explained that I couldn’t speak to her about that. Norma understood and wished me luck.

  It was just after 2:30 p.m. when I pulled into a nearby gas station. I needed to take a break and clear my head. I wanted a Coke, and I needed a cigarette. I knew I had a problem with drinking Cokes. I usually had at least two a day. It was a horrible habit, but it was one I was willing to live with.

  I purchased my drink and walked back to my car. I pulled to the back of the lot and parked out of the way. I got out of my car and lit a cigarette. After inhaling my first drag, my body thanked me.

  I tried not to think about the case; all I wanted to do was relax for a minute. I stood there looking around and listening to the sounds of the city. The traffic and construction noises were not exactly peaceful, but sometimes you have to improvise.

  I thought about Allie and the girls. I hoped all of them were having a good day. I texted Allie a heart-shaped emoji, just to let her know I was thinking about her. I finished my cigarette and took my last sip of Coke. I savored it momentarily and then swallowed it down.

  As soon as I finished, my phone rang. I answered it and the team leader said, “He’s in the SUV.”

  I immediately got butterflies in my stomach, overcome with excitement.

  “I’m on my way,” I replied.

  I switched my radio to CLEMARS and listened for the surveillance team to talk to each other. As I drove towards the motel, I heard the team calling out the directions of travel that Cook was taking. They followed Cook to a gas station, where he went inside. A few minutes later Cook exited, holding a pack of cigarettes. He got back in the vehicle and continued to drive in the opposite direction of the motel.

  The team continued to follow and I trailed them at a safe distance. Cook made his way to a park near the central part of town. He pulled into the parking lot and climbed out of his SUV. He walked over to a bench, that was positioned near a paved trail. The bench overlooked a large grass area, with a couple of playgrounds situated nearby. He sat there and smoked a cigarette.

  The agents kept an eye on him, updated his movements over the radio.

  I met up with the team leader and parked my car. I got into his passenger seat. I told him I needed to go into the park. I needed to see what Cook was doing.

  We drove to the park and positioned ourselves in a spot, where I could watch. I looked around the park and saw numerous activities taking place. Parents were watching their kids play on the playgrounds. There was a group of adults playing a football game on the grass. A few people were sitting at some picnic tables, talking to each other.

  I continued to scan the area, looking for someone Cook might be meeting. I saw several people jogging, passing in front of Cook’s location. He didn’t seem to pay much attention. He just sat there smoking his cigarettes.

  After about a half hour, I saw Cook’s posture perk up. He was looking down the path, towards the edge of the trees. I could hear voices and laughter in the distance. It was getting louder and louder by the second. Then I saw what Cook had been waiting for. A large group of teenage girls jogging on the path. They were heading his way in a single file line. They were all wearing the same uniform shirts. Discovery High Cross Country.

  I was instantly enraged, as I watched what was unfolding.

  He stared at the girls, as they continued to get closer. He watched intently like he was judging a competition. He smiled and waved at the girls, as they passed by. He continued to watch them as they jogged past him. With a perverted smile on his face, he watched until they went around a bend in the trail, ultimately going out of sight.

  Cook got up from the bench and stretched his arms. He stood there for a minute, looking around. He then reached down to his crotch and adjusted himself.

  "That sick son of a bitch has a hard-on," I said to the team leader.

  I turned and looked at him, waiting for him to confirm what I saw. The team leaders face was filled with disgust, as he nodded his head in agreeance.

  Cook walked back to his car, climbed in it and left the park.

  The surveillance team followed Cook back to the motel. As Cook pulled into the motel parking lot, the room door opened and a female emerged. One of the team members identified the female as Patricia. Cook and Patricia sat in some lawn chairs, outside the room, drinking beer. They conversed with one another and smoked several cigarettes. When they finished, they went inside and closed the door.

  I realized I had a choice to make, and it wasn't an easy one. I had to decide if I should hit the motel and arrest Patricia on her warrant. The other choice was to wait and try to catch Cook doing something illegal.

  I had confirmed Patricia was at the motel and due diligence said that I should arrest her. But if I arrested her now, Cook would know that I was on to him. After what I had witnessed at the park, there was a good chance he might be planning an abduction or an assault.

  Even though Tori didn't identify Cook as her attacker, I knew it was him. It wasn't just a coincident that Norma had seen Cook's SUV parked in the neighborhood. Taking children is what he was all about. Thankfully Tori had gotten away.

  But, what if his next victim wasn't so lucky. What if he hurts someone? What if he gets into a pursuit like he did years ago? What if he wrecks and ends up killing his victim? How could I live with myself knowing I let that happen? What if the victim's family found out that I could have possibly prevented it?

  Thoughts quickly ran through my head, one after another. I could feel a sense of panic coming on strong, as I searched for the right answer. I quickly took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm down. It worked for a minute, but soon it came back just as strong.

  This was a big decision, and I wanted to make the right one. I thought about the parents of Cook’s potential victim. How would I feel knowing the police could’ve stopped the crime from happening, and instead did nothing.

  I thought about other possible outcomes. What if there was something illegal in the room? Maybe Cook would have some dope or a gun in plain sight. I could put him away with either one of those. I knew I was being overly optimistic, but the scenarios were possible.

  After a few more seconds of debating with myself, the decision became clear. I called the team to a nearby parking lot. I left one member at the motel to keep on an eye on things. I told the team what the plan was, but first I needed to run back to the office. I instructed them to be ready in 30 minutes.

  I hurried back to my office and quickly authored a search warrant. The warrant was going to authorize me to place a GPS tracker on Cook’s SUV. I couldn’t take the chance of the surveillance team losing him. If they did, at least this way I would know where the car was at all times.

  I called over to the county courthouse and was able to talk to Judge Robert Dixon. I explained the situation and asked for a telephonic warrant. I emailed the warrant to Judge Dixon, who reviewed and granted it. I quickly grabbed the tracker from the equipment room and headed out the door.

  I met the team in the parking lot, just before 5:00 p.m. I explained the warrant for the tracker and assigned a detective to place the tracker on the SUV. I further explained that we had no reason to arrest Cook. We were only there to arrest Patricia on her warrant. I asked everyone to be mindful of weapons and to look for anything illegal in plain sight.

  I told the team not to mention anything about the surveillance we had been conducting. It should go without saying, but I didn’t want any confusion. I know how upset officers get, especially with a piece of shit like Cook. They lose focus and then accidentally blurt out confidential information. I was mostly worried about someone mentioning what we saw today. How Cook got an erection from staring at t
hose girls. The last thing I wanted, was for Cook to know we were following him around.

  It was a little bit after 5:00 p.m. and we made our way to the door. I knocked loudly and could hear footsteps approaching. I listened to the deadbolt unlatch and the door swung open. Cook was standing there with a surprised look on his face. I could tell by his eyes that he recognized me, but he didn’t know where from. That’s funny, now he knows how I felt last night, I thought to myself. I told Cook to step outside and he was detained by other officers.

  I looked in the room and could see Patricia sitting on the bed. I instructed her to stand up and told her she was under arrest for an outstanding warrant. Patricia complied with my commands and I made my way over to her. I secured Patricia in handcuffs and told her the charges listed on the warrant.

  While I was in the motel room, I quickly did a visual search. I was hoping to see something illegal, anything that I could pin on Cook. I looked at the bed; the nightstand; the dresser; the desk; the table top; the suitcase on the ground, but there was nothing.

  I escorted Patricia out of the room and took her to a nearby patrol car. I spoke with Patricia momentarily, trying to gather any intelligence she was willing to give. But she had dealt with the police enough and knew better than to talk with me. I secured her seatbelt and instructed the assisting officer to take her jail.

  I made my way back to Cook’s location. He was sitting on the ground in the parking lot. Several officers surrounded him. I told Cook that Patricia was going to jail and asked if he had any questions. He shook his head no, but continued to look at me. I could tell he was trying to figure out who I was.

  “How do I know you?” he asked, as he studied my face.

  “You don't remember me?” I replied, in a smug manner.

  I could see Cook was trying to find the answer, but just couldn’t come up with it. I told him my name, and by his reaction, his memory was refreshed.

  “It's been a long time Officer Rivers,” he said, as he smiled at me.

  “Not long enough,” I replied, as I glared at him.

  Cook nodded his head, acknowledging my response.

  He looked me up and down, as I stood there ready for him to make a stupid comment.

  “I was young and stupid back then. I’m not like that anymore, and I did my time. I’m married now, and I’m trying to stay out of trouble. I just got out a couple of weeks ago, and I’m trying to start a new life.”

  I laughed out loud at his self-righteous justification. We had all just witnessed him at the park, and I knew that was the real Cook. Not this bullshit born-again fake persona.

  “Give me a fucking break. You are the same piece of shit you were 18 years ago.”

  I could tell Cook didn’t like the insult, as his smile disappeared. He cleared his throat, stood up and brushed off his pants. I could tell my comment had gotten to him, just like I hoped it would.

  “Am I free to go?” he asked, in an annoyed tone.

  “Absolutely,” I answered, not breaking eye contact. “In fact, if I were you, I would probably GO to another city and live there.”

  Cook turned away from me and walked back to the entrance of his room. Before he made it inside, I yelled his name. He stopped and turned around to face me.

  “I plan on making you my special project. That way when you fuck up, I will be right there to make sure your ass goes back to prison.” I smiled at him, my true hatred shining through.

  Cook didn’t say anything. He just stood there and stared at me. I could tell he was pissed off, but he knew better than to say anything confrontational.

  I made a gun out of my finger and thumb, then pointed it at him. I slowly pulled the trigger, while I winked at him, just like he did to me 18 years ago.

  Cook went inside his room and slammed the door shut.

  I felt good about our contact, like I had proven my point. I knew I pissed him off, and that is precisely what I was trying to do. I smiled thinking about how he must be feeling. Now that I was satisfied and happy, I left the motel.


  The team and I met at the rendezvous point, where we debriefed. The agent assigned to the tracker was able to install it without being detected. I explained that I needed them to continue the surveillance on Cook. The team leader agreed and said he would get a second team ready to relieve the first. The teams would be working in 12-hour shifts and would be on Cook 24-7. I thanked the team members for their help and I headed back to the office.

  As I was driving to the office, I checked the tracker on my phone. I had a strong signal and it showed the SUV was parked at the motel. I set a geofence for a distance of 50 feet. If the tracker moved more than that, my alarm would go off. That way I could immediately monitor the real-time travel of the tracker.

  With the surveillance team on Cook and the tracker on the SUV, I felt much more at ease. Now I was going to know his every move. Hopefully, I could catch him doing something illegal and send him back to where he belonged. The thought made me smile.

  I arrived back at the office just after 5:45 p.m. It had been a long day and I was tired. I logged my paperwork and typed a few emails. When I was finished, I sat back in my chair and reflected on the day. A sense of satisfaction came over me. It felt good, and I enjoyed it for a little while.

  I eventually got up from the desk and grabbed my coat. I turned off the light and closed my door.


  A Block Away

  It was just after 5:30 p.m. and the sun had disappeared behind the mountains. The sky was full of vibrant pink and purple clouds, with a slight breeze in the air. Sera was walking home from her high school cross country practice.

  It was a typical day for a 16-year-old girl. Nothing exciting happened and there wasn't any real drama to speak of. She had gotten an 'A' on her pop quiz in English, which she was ecstatic about. English was one of her least favorite classes. Not because she didn't like the subject, but because of her teacher, Mr. Woods. He had a way of making things dull. He always made the students write about boring subjects. But, somehow Sera was getting an ‘A' in the class, and she was thankful.

  Sera lived in a nice neighborhood with several old Victorian houses lining her street. All of the yards were manicured and saturated with big mature trees.

  Fall was her favorite time of year. All of the leaves had changed to gorgeous shades of yellow, red and orange. The colors radiated around her neighborhood, making it look even more beautiful than it already was. She knew there would soon be large piles of raked leaves that she could dance through while walking home. She smiled, as she thought about it.

  While she was walking, her phone began to vibrate. She looked at the screen and saw that Erica was calling. Erica and Sera had been best friends since kindergarten. The two of them were pretty much inseparable.

  “Hello,” Sera said, as she answered her phone.

  “I’m standing outside your house waiting for you. When are you gonna be here?” Erica impatiently asked.

  “I will be there in a minute. I’m just down the street. Did you do anything fun after school?”

  “Not a thing! I sat at home and got bored. So I decided to come over and hang out with you.”

  Sera laughed, then said, “My mom should be home if you want to hang out with her?”

  "Nah, I will just wait on the sidewalk till you get here."

  “Ok, I’m just rounding the corner onto my street. I should be there in less than a minute.”

  “Ok...I see you,” Erica said, as she waved at Sera in the distance.

  "Be there in a sec," Sera replied, before hanging up the phone.

  Erica watched as Sera walked up the sidewalk towards her. She was about a block away.

  A truck pulled to the curb in front of Sera, blocking Erica's view. A man got out and approached Sera. Erica could hear a conversation between the two of them, but couldn't make out what they were saying. She could hear what sounded like a struggle, followed by a muffled scream. In horror, Eric
a watched as the man dragged Sera into the truck.

  Erica screamed and started running towards the truck. The man slammed the door and ran around to the driver’s side and got in. Erica continued to scream, running as fast as she could. The truck pulled away from the curb and turned in the opposite direction. Erica was only feet away, as the truck screeched it’s tires and sped off.

  Hysterically crying, Erica ran back towards Sera’s house. Sera’s mother had heard the screaming from inside and came out to see what was going on. Erica saw her in the front yard and yelled for her.

  “Marsha! Marsha! He took her!”

  "What are you talking about?" Marsha frantically asked.

  “He took Sera!” Erica yelled.

  Erica told Marsha what she had witnessed. She described the sounds she heard and how the man pulled Sera into the truck.

  Overcome with utter horror, Marsha immediately called 911. The dispatcher instructed Marsha to go to the area where Sera was last seen and to wait there for the police.

  Marsha was sick to her stomach, flooded with worry and fear. She felt like she was on the verge of passing out. Her head grew dizzy, and her sight went hazy. Her worst nightmare had just come true.

  The dispatcher asked several questions, but Marsha was in a trance, answering none of them. She was in shock and couldn’t believe what was happening. Without realizing it, she hung up the phone and stood there motionless.

  Within minutes patrol officer’s arrived on the scene. Erica told the officers what she had witnessed. She described the truck as best she could and showed them where the abduction took place.

  Officers examined the area, and quickly tapped it off, preserving the crime scene. An officer escorted Marsha and Erica back to Marsha’s house. Marsha walked up the walkway in a daze. The officer asked if he could call anyone for her. Marsha didn’t reply; she just stared at the ground.

  When they were close to the door, Marsha stopped walking. She looked up at the officer, her eyes filled with tears.